Our Mission Is To Promote The Development Of This New Model.
Because only reason can save us from ourselves.
A fatal flaw in the most fundamental model of nature has been overlooked for so long that many do not question it.
Yet, so much is based on ignoring the facts, and that what has arisen by this choice is simply ludicrous.
Starting from the most basic of ideas, a new model has arisen with a surprisingly simple explanation for a few things that most others try to ignore, or try simply waving off an explanation to a new particle or another dimension. They cannot fathom that a physical explanation might exist, and forget the imperfect behavior of photons when it comes to polarizing filters.
Extraordinary Claims Demand Evidence
Not Excuses Or Waving Off The Explanation
To Another Dimension Or Particle
People and books supporting that something is wrong with some of the most accepted and unquestioned ideas:
Alexander G. Unzicker – The Higgs Fake, Bankrupting Physics
Donald E. Scott – The Electric Sky
Eric J. Lerner – The Big Bang Never Happened
Sheilla Jones – Quantum Ten, Bankrupting Physics
Sid Deutsch – Return of the Ether