Artwork, Comments,

Formula or Mathematics

open for artwork and video submissions

This page is open for people who would like their artwork, links and videos to appear here if they are free for me to use, and seem relevant to this project. As determined only by me.

I have started looking at Finite Element Analysis of gradients in space using the GNU for Octave. A program language very similar to MATLAB, but for FREE. I was using Wolfram Mathematica version 10, but ran into errors that I could not resolve nor find support for. Probably because most of the support now is for version 14. I have not had any problems with Octave the high-level programming language and environment, primarly intended for numerical computations. Thanks to John W. Eaton and many others. 

The base equations, just for motion, are as follows just for a simplified Earth – Moon system:

For[i=1, i<=1000,i++,

r=Sqrt[(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)];

vx= vx -((G * M * x * dt)/(r^3));

vy= vy -((G * M * y * dt)/(r^3));

vz= vz -((G * M * z * dt)/(r^3));

x = x + (vx * dt);

y = y + (vy * dt);

z = z + (vz * dt);

axyz[[i]] = {x,y, z};


* Note that the mass of the Moon is irrelevant in the simplified model of the interaction between the Earth and the Moon. Whereas, in a more realistic model the Moon would also be affecting the Earth.  And that it is r^3 not r^2 as some people have failed to realize.

Test image:

Simulation or Animation

Simulation Or Animation

Simulation by Mathematica, Matlap or Maple. Possibly by others. I currently only own Mathematica. No extra funds at this time to purchase Matlab, Maple or any others. Keep this in mind for the simulation.

Animation could be done by any means. 

Not In Use

Not In Use

Keeping this section in reserve.